Glassparency Glass Coating

Glass under a microscope is extremely porous. There are millions of hills, valleys, and peaks that can not be seen with a human eye. It is in these peaks and valleys that substances get trapped causing contamination, distorted vision while driving and damage to the glass surface.
GlassParency is the professional installer’s choice of glass coatings in today’s market. Unlike many wax-based or topical coatings, GlassParency is chemically engineered to react to silica within the glass pores, creating a bond unmatched by the competition. It’s product attributes go beyond just a water repellency, making it ideal for any silica-based surface, in any climate or environment.
The short answer to that queston is improved SAFETY. The ability to see more clearly in all conditons makes it safer for you and your passengers. After application your glass will be more optically correct since the coating chemically bonds to and fills in the micro defects in glass which will result in a reduction in glare. The bonded coating also creates a surface that highly hydrophobic or have the ability repel water. The coating is also anti-fouling so it will have some self cleaning properties for solids like dirt and salt.
Glassparency carries a 3 year product warranty and includes a free maintenance program for 3 years. Like any paint coating, glass coating requires occational maintenance. We will complete that maintenance free of charge with any detail package, at additional cost as a small trip charge or provide you with the product so you can do on your own. Maintenance takes all of 5 minutes to complete and should be performed every 4 to 6 months.

Windshield Coating
Our windshied coating package includes cleaning of the inside and outside of your windshield, prepping the surface and instailling Glasspaerency on your winshield. Glassparency comes with a 3 year product warrany and free windshield maintenance for 3 years.
Pricing for installation varries. Some installations may require additional steps for water spot correction or neglect.
We can include the installation with any detailing package, or for a little more, do it as a standalone service right at your home or office.
Contact us for pricing or to schedule service.

Full Window Package
Our Full Window Coating package includes cleaning inside and out, prepping the glass and installation of Glassparency on all windows and sunroof. Glassparency comes with a 3 year product warranty and free window maintenance for 3 years.
Pricing for installation varries. Some installations may require additional steps for water spot correction and neglect.
We can install your coating as an addition to any of our detailing packages or, for a little more do it as a standalone service right at your home or office.
Contact us for pricing or to schedule service
Due to manufactures requirements we are not allowed to disclose pricing online. Call or email us for a price or more details.